Our group teaches topics related to the biofunctioanlity and bioavailability of micronutrients and phytochemicals, the role of nutrition in healthy aging, xenobiotic metabolism, and food toxicology in the Bachelor and Master of Science programs of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Hohenheim.
In the BSc program, the focus is on the basics of the metabolism of xenobiotics and their effect on the organism. In the MSc program, teaching highlights age-related (patho-) physiological alterations and the molecular basics of the interactions of health beneficial food components with the organism.
Further information regarding courses and theses projects are available on the page Teaching.
Find our courses in the course catalog via HohCampus. Follow the folder structure: Fakultät Naturwissenschaften > Ernährungswissenschaften (140) > Fg. Biofunktionalität der Lebensmittel (140b)